DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024, Registration Process Out, Eligibility Criteria, Vacancy Details for 35,000+ Vacancies

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The DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment for the year 2024 have been published to the notice of the public and the candidates who are interested in applying for the teaching vacancies available in the recruitment process by releasing an official notification in the official online platform of the Directorate of Elementary Education. Candidates who are interested in applying for the Trained Graduate Teachers, Primary Teacher, Special Teacher, and various other Non-teaching posts are required to apply using the application link that has been generated for the purpose of making the candidates who are interested in the application process of the recruitment process apply with ease. Candidates are Informed with various details regarding the Teacher recruitment process conducted by the Directorate of Elementary Education in the recruitment notification and those details are also available in this article in a more simplified manner to provide a better understanding to the candidates who wish to apply for the recruitment process. Therefore, candidates are advised to go through this complete article before starting the application process to acquire various details regarding the registration process, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, and various other important details that are required to be known in the recruitment process are available to assist candidates with the Assam Teacher recruitment process.

DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024: Overview

Candidates who wish to apply for the various roles such as the Trained Graduate Teachers, Primary Teacher, Special Teacher, and various other Non-teaching posts are informed with more than 35,000 vacancies as the total number of vacancies available for the teaching vacancies available in the state of Assam. Furthermore details that are required to be known by the candidate are also informed in the notification that has been released through the official online portal of the Directorate of Elementary Education. Candidates can use the application link available in the online platform of the Directorate of Elementary Education in order to apply for the vacancy available in the recruitment process based on their preference and candidates can obtain various new information from the table below to let candidates acquire all the details of the recruitment process in a short format.

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Name of the position DEE Assam Trained Graduate Teacher, Primary Teacher, Special Teacher, Non-teaching Recruitment 2024
Conducting Department Directorate of Elementary Education 
Number of vacancies 35,000+ vacancies 
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Mode of Application Online 
Mode of Examination Online 
Educational Qualifications Bachelor’s degree along with any eligibility entrance examination 
Age Limit Not Announced 
Selection Process To Be Announced 
Salary Based on the posts 
Location All Over Assam 
Office Website 

DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024: Important Dates

The Directorate of Elementary Education has announced the recruitment notification that consists of various details about the recruitment process and these details are required to be gathered by the candidate in order to perform well in the recruitment process and get selected for the vacancies they are applying for in the recruitment process. Among the various details that are considered to be important the details regarding the important dates are valued as it provides the dates in which all the major events of the recruitment process take place. Candidates can get to know about the various dates of the recruitment process through the following table that provides all the details of the important dates.

Events Dates 
DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment Opening Date of the Online Application Form August 6, 2024
DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment Closing Date of the Online Application Form August 12, 2024
DEE Assam Recruitment Release Date of the Admit Card To Be Announced 
DEE Assam Recruitment Release Date of the Examination Date To Be Announced 

DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024: Vacancy Details

Candidates who are interested in applying for the various vacancies such as Trained Graduate Teachers, Primary Teacher, Special Teacher, and various other Non-teaching posts available in the Assam Teacher recruitment process conducted by the Directorate of Elementary Education are announced with an information of 35,000+ vacancies as the total number of vacancies available for the teaching vacancies available in the state of Assam recruitment process. The distribution of vacancies among the various roles available in the recruitment process are expected to be released soon to the notice of the public and therefore candidates can get a clear vision about the post and how many vacancies are available in the post in which they are applying for in the Assam teacher recruitment process.

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DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024: Eligibility Criteria

The Directorate of Elementary Education has released a notification regarding the recruitment process conducted for various teaching and non-teaching vacancies available in the state of Assam are required to go through the notification that has the criteria to evaluate the eligibility of the candidate and these details should be checked before starting the application process.

  • Educational Qualifications
    • Candidates who are interested in applying for the various roles available in the vacancy recruitment conducted by the Directorate of Elementary Education are required to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in the field in which they are trying to apply in the recruitment process and they should have passed in any eligibility entrance examination conducted by the official exam conducting board.

How to fill the application form of DEE Assam Teacher Recruitment 2024?

Candidates who wish to apply for the teaching and non-teaching posts available in the recruitment process are required to apply for the recruitment process by following the steps below to apply with ease.

  1. Candidates can start the application process by opening the official online platform of the Directorate of Elementary Education.
  2. Locate the Teacher Recruitment notification and press it and a new web page will be opened.
  3. Fill the essential details that are mentioned in the application form and upload the documents by scanning.
  4. The application form can be submitted after paying the application form fee and verifying whether all the details provided are correct.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) What is the full form of DEE?

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Answer: Directorate of Elementary Education.

2) How many vacancies have been announced for the recruitment process?

Answer: 35,000+ vacancies.

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