IBPS RRB Clerk Admit Card 2024 Has Been Released, Download Hall Ticket Now

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The Regional Rural Banks Clerk Vacancies has been announced for the recruitment process earlier and there are various candidates those who are eligible for the recruitment process have applied for the vacancies available in the role of clerks in the Regional Rural Banks associated with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. Candidates who have applied for the vacancies available in the posts of Regional Rural Banks Clerk Vacancies are announced with the release of admit card by mentioning it in the notification regarding the hall ticket of the recruitment process through the official online portal of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. Candidates who are interested in appearing for the selection process of the Regional Rural Banks Clerk Vacancies that are associated with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection are required to have the hall ticket to attend the selection process of the clerk recruitment process available in the Regional Rural Banks that are in association with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

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Candidates who are interested in appearing for the selection phases of the recruitment process are advised to go through the recruitment advertisement and the advertisement that has been released recently regarding the hall ticket of the recruitment process and this article provides all the details that are required to acquired by the candidates who wish to appear in the recruitment process and all the details about the hall ticket that has been released to let candidates acquire various details and distinct knowledge about the selection process formulated by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection to evaluate the candidate’s eligibility based on their performance in the selection process and their suitability for the role has also been evaluated.


Overview of the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket 2024

Candidates who are interested in appearing for the recruitment process of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection are required to download the hall ticket that has been released to let candidates know various details about the examination conducted in two phases that are preliminary examination and the main examination considered to be the selection process of the clerk vacancies available in the Regional Rural Banks that are in association with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. Candidates who wish to seek more information about the recruitment in a short format can use the table that follows this passage to know various information about the recruitment process. 

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Name of the position  Regional Rural Bank Clerk Vacancies
Conducting Department  Institute of Banking Personnel Selection 
Number of vacancies  5,800 vacancies 
Type of Employment  Government Jobs 
Mode of Application  Online 
Mode of Examination  Online 
Salary  Not Announced 
Selection Process  Preliminary Examination and Mains Examination 
Location  All Over India 
Office Website  www.ibps.in 


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Important Dates of the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket 2024

Candidates who have applied for the clerk vacancies available in the Regional Rural Banks that are in association with the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection have been announced with the hall ticket and the notification that has been released for the hall ticket announcement consists of various details and the hall ticket that has been released for the recruitment process consists of various information about the recruitment process and among that the dates in which the important events of the recruitment process takes place is considered to be the important information required to be known by the candidates and candidates can seek those information from the table that follows this passage to assist candidates to acquire more details about the recruitment process.

Events Dates 
IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket Announcement Date  August 2, 2024
IBPS RRB Clerk Preliminary Examination Announcement Date  August 10, 17, and 18, 2024 
IBPS RRB Clerk Main Examination Announcement Date  To Be Announced 
IBPS RRB Clerk Answer Key Release Date  To Be Announced 
IBPS RRB Clerk Release Date of the Shortlisted Candidates List  To Be Announced 
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Release of Hall Ticket and Steps to Download the Hall Ticket of the IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment Process

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has announced the hall ticket for candidates who have applied for the clerk vacancies available in the Regional Rural Banks recruitment process and there are various details about the recruitment process that are related to the selection process and the phases of the selection process such as the preliminary examination and the mains examination. Candidates who are having any hesitation over downloading the hall ticket of the clerk recruitment process available in the Regional Rural Banks can follow the steps mentioned below this passage.

  1. Candidates are required to have applied for the recruitment process properly without making any mistakes.
  2. Those who have applied properly can proceed to open the official online platform of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
  3. Candidates are responsible to locate the “Common Recruitment Process – Regional Rural Banks Phase XIII” and click it.
  4. Candidates will be redirected to another web page where they are required to enter their registration number and date of birth to open the web page.
  5. The Web page that consists of the hall ticket will be available on the screen and candidates are required to check the details mentioned in the hall and before downloading the hall ticket if there is any mistake in the hall ticket it should be Informed to the officials.


Shift Timings of the Preliminary Examination of the IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment 

Candidates who have applied for the clerk recruitment process available in the Regional Rural Banks are announced about the preliminary examination dates and the timing of the shift by releasing the hall ticket of the recruitment process. Candidates who are willing to attend the examination process should appear in the examination hall one hour earlier to the starting time of the examination. 

Shifts Reporting Time Exam Starting Time Exam Ends
Shift 1 08:05 am 09:05 am 09:50 am
Shift 2 10:20 am 11:20 am 12:05 pm
Shift 3 12.35 pm 01:35 pm 02:20 pm
Shift 4 02:50 pm 03:50 pm 04:35 pm
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who can download the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket 2024?

Candidates who applied for the Clerk vacancies in Regional Rural Banks associated with IBPS can download the hall ticket.

2. When was the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket released?

The IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket was announced on August 2nd, 2024.

3. How can I download the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket?

You can download the hall ticket from the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) – www.ibps.in. Follow the steps mentioned in the provided information.

4. What information is included in the IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket?

The hall ticket will contain your name, registration number, exam date and shift timings, exam center details, and important instructions.

5. What are the important dates for the IBPS RRB Clerk recruitment process?

  • IBPS RRB Clerk Hall Ticket Announcement: August 2, 2024
  • IBPS RRB Clerk Preliminary Exam: August 10, 17 & 18, 2024 (Dates mentioned in the passage might be spread across these days)
  • (Dates for Mains Exam, Answer Key Release, and Shortlisted Candidates List are yet to be announced)

6. What is the mode of examination for IBPS RRB Clerk recruitment?

The exam will be conducted online.

7. How many vacancies are there for IBPS RRB Clerk positions?

A total of 5,800 vacancies have been announced.

8. What are the phases of the IBPS RRB Clerk selection process?

The selection process consists of a Preliminary Examination and a Mains Examination.

9. When will the IBPS RRB Clerk Preliminary Examination be held?

The Preliminary Examination will be held on August 10, 17 & 18, 2024 (Specific dates might be mentioned on your hall ticket).

10. What are the timings for the IBPS RRB Clerk Preliminary Examination shifts?

There are four shifts with different timings. Refer to the information provided for details (Shift 1: 8:05 AM – 9:50 AM, Shift 2: 10:20 AM – 12:05 PM, Shift 3: 12:35 PM – 2:20 PM, Shift 4: 2:50 PM – 4:35 PM).

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