ISRO Recruitment 2024: Apply for 224 Vacancies in Scientist/Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Other Posts

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The ISRO Recruitment 2024 notification pdf has been released on the official website of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). They are considered to be the space agency of the Indian Government, and they hold a major responsibility for the country’s space program. The vacancy recruitment has been announced by ISRO for the posts of Scientist/Engineer, Scientific Assistant, Technician-B/Draughtsman-B, Technician Assistant, Library Assistant, Fireman A, Cook, LMV Driver, and HMV Driver. The total number of vacancies announced by the Indian Space Research Organisation for the various roles is 224. The candidates can get detailed information about the recruitment process on the official website of the ISRO. The important details regarding the application process, selection process, eligibility criteria, and various other important details regarding the recruitment process will be described in this article.


ISRO Recruitment 2024: Highlights

The recruitment drive that is going to be carried out by the Indian Space Research Organisation is to fill the vacancies in the various roles of ISRO URSC, which is a part of ISRO. The online application link for the application process for various posts, including scientific assistants, cook, Library Assistant, and various other posts, is available on the official website of the authority. A detailed overview of the recruitment process is mentioned below:

  • Position Title: Scientist/Engineer, Scientific Assistant, Technician-B/Draughtsman-B, Technician Assistant, Library Assistant, Fireman A, Cook, LMV Driver, and HMV Driver
  • Conducting Department: Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
  • Number of Vacancies: 224
  • Mode of Application: Online 
  • Mode of Examination: Computer-Based Test
  • Location: Across India
  • Type of Employment: Government Jobs
  • Official Website:




Important Dates

The notification pdf regarding the opening and closing dates of the application process has been announced by the Indian Space Research Organisation. Aspiring candidates who wish to apply for various roles in the ISRO can do so by visiting the official website of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The important details regarding the application form mentioned in the notification pdf are listed below:

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  • ISRO Recruitment Notification Released Date: February 10, 2024


  • ISRO Application Opening Date: February 10, 2024


  • ISRO Application Closing Date: March 1, 2024


  • ISRO Date of Examination: To Be Announced 



Vacancy Details


The total number of vacancies announced by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is 224. The vacancies are filled in the various jobs where they are available. Vacancy recruitment depends on the availability of jobs in a particular field. Therefore, the vacancies are distributed among the different roles, which are shown below: 


Posts                                          Vacancies


Scientist/Engineer                            05


Technical Assistant                      55


Scientific Assistant                       06


Library Assistant                         01


Technician-B/Draughtsman-B         142


Fireman-A                                    03


Cook                                               04


LMV Driver                            06


HMV Driver                              02


Total Posts                           224


How to apply 


The application process for the various roles at the Indian Space Research Organisation is carried out in an online mode. The opening and closing dates of the application process have been released on the official website. The deadline for the application process is March 1, 2024. The steps to apply in the application process are mentioned below: 

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  1. The applicants are required to visit the official website of ISRO,
  2. Click on the recruitment section available in the drop-down menu on the webpage.
  3. Read the eligibility criteria carefully before starting the application process.
  4. The apply online link will be available, and applicants should click on it and start filling out the application form.
  5. The essential details regarding personal and academic information should be entered. Along with the certificates, the photograph and signature of the candidate should be scanned and uploaded in the size given.
  6. The payment of the application fee is the final step before submitting the application. The candidates are given certain options, like net banking, UPI, and other options to pay. 
  7. Click the submit button and apply for the post, as you wish.
  8. The application form that has been submitted should be downloaded, and taken as a printout and have it as a hard copy.


Eligibility Criteria


The candidates who wish to apply for the posts of ISRO should have certain educational qualifications and age limits as the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria here differ based on the various posts. The eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification pdf are listed below:


Educational Qualifications and Age Limit


  • Scientist/ Engineer
      • The candidates who wish to apply for the role of ISRO Scientist/ Engineer should have completed M.Sc/ M.E/ M.Tech. 
      • The master’s degree should have been obtained from an authorized university. 
      • The candidates should have an age limit of between 18 and 30 years.
  • Technical Assistant
      • The candidate should have a first-class diploma in any branch.
      • The age limit for the candidate is between 18 and 35 years.
  • Scientific Assistant
      • Candidates are required to have a degree in first class.
      • The age limit of the candidate should be between 18 and 35 years.
  • Library Assistant
      • Candidates should be graduates and have a master’s degree in the field of library science.
      • The candidate’s age limit should be between 18 and 35 years.
  • Technician B/ Draughtsman B
      • Candidates should have completed an ITI in Draftsman Civil Trade from NCVT.
      • The candidate’s age limit should be between 18 and 35 years.
  • HMV/ LMV Driver
      • The HMV Driver should have completed 10th grade education, have a Heavy Vehicle License, and at least 5 years of experience.
      • The LMV Driver should have completed 10th grade, should have a Light Vehicle License, and at least 3 years of experience. 
      • The candidate’s age limit for both the HMV/ LMV Driver should be 18 and 35 years.
  • Cook/ Fireman-A
    • The candidates should have completed SSC or SSLC.
    • The age limit of the candidates applying for the posts of cook is between 18 and 35 years. 
    • The age limit of the candidates applying for the post of Fireman-A as age limit between 18 and 25 years.
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Selection Process 


The selection process for vacancy recruitment takes place in three phases, and in each phase, the candidates are shortlisted. The phases of the selection process are as follows:


  • Written Examination
    • The candidates are tested on their academic knowledge. 
    • The examination takes place through an online computer-based test.
  • Skill Test
    • The skills of the candidates are put to the test.
    • They are given real-life situations to check their skills and assess their eligibility.
  • Interview 
    • The candidates who have cleared the two phases are advanced to the interview, where they will be questioned based on their posts. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1) What is the age limit of the candidate who has applied for the post of Fireman-A?


Answer: The age limit of the Fireman-A candidate is between 18 and 25 years. 


2) What is the educational qualification of the technical assistant?


Answer: The candidate should have a diploma in any branch.


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