Jharkhand TET 2024: Apply for Assistant Teacher and Urdu Assistant Teacher Posts

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An official notice has come out from the Jharkhand Academic Council that the Teacher Eligibility Test is going to take place soon and interested eligible candidates can come on board to apply for the posts of Assistant Teacher and Urdu Assistant Teacher Post in public schools of Jharkhand, Ranchi. The registration process has already begun and candidates who meet the eligibility criteria to take part in this recruitment can fill out their application form and submit it online.


Jharkhand Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) 2024 Official Notice


The Jharkhand Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is conducted to test the eligibility of candidates to check if they are well equipped enough to fill the post of teacher of respective subjects in public/government schools in Jharkhand.


The official notice came out earlier that Jharkhand TET recruitment is going to take place for Teacher Assistant and Urdu Assistant Teacher. The registration process has started and interested candidates can check the eligibility criteria and other related topics regarding this recruitment to see if they can take part in the recruitment process. We shall include everything important to be committed to your mind in this article. Read more to learn more…


Overview of the Jharkhand Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 Recruitment


                                            TET Recruitment Overview 2024
Name of the posts Teacher Assistant, Urdu Assistant Teacher
Name of the recruiting Organization The Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
Category  Govt job
Job domain  Jharkhand
Registration Status  Ongoing 
Last date of Registration  22nd Aug 2024 State
Mode of registration Online 
Official website www.jac.jharkhand.gov.in 
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The above table is intended to provide an overview of the recruitment structure and we are going to slowly dive into every important detail one by one. 

Learning about the eligibility criteria is the first and the crucial step to consider before applying for the positions. Here, in this part of the article, we shall disclose the requirements the candidates who wish to apply for these positions must meet to be eligible to participate in the tests of recruitment.


Eligibility criteria of the recruitment of Teacher Eligibility Test, Jharkhand 2024


Age limit-

Candidates applying for the respective posts must be 24 years old and the upper age limit depends on the categories candidates belong to be eligible to take part in the recruitment test.



The candidates must be Indian Citizens, they must possess a government-issued ID that can be an Adhaar card, PAN card, voter ID, or Driving Licence. They must be a permanent resident of Jharkhand.


Educational Qualification-

Candidates must hold a graduate degree in the respective subject of the posts from any institution or university recognized by the Government of India


Recruitment Test Process of the Bihar, Teacher Eligibility Test 2024


The recruitment Test process includes a written test and we shall include the exam pattern and syllabus for this recruitment 2024. Part 1 is the post to teach students from class 1 to class 5 and Part 2 will be those candidates who will teach students from class 6 to class 10.


For Paper 1, exam pattern 


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Subjects  No of questions  Marks  Duration 
Child development and pedagogy  20 20 2 hrs and 30 mins

Urdu, English, Hindi 

20 for all three of them 40
Local Language  20 20
EVS 60 60
General Maths 60 60
Total  200 200


For Paper 2, the exam pattern 


Subjects  No of Questions  Marks  Duration 
Child Development and Pedagogy 25 25 2 hrs and 30 mins
Hindi or English 50 50
Local language  25 25


150 150
Total  250 250


The questions will be in objective format and the exam syllabus will be based on this question pattern for more in-depth details visit the official website. 


Important dates and important events of the Jharkhand Teacher Eligibility Test recruitment, 2024


Impt events  Impt dates 
First recruitment notice  20th July 2024
Registration opening date 23rd July 2024
Last date for online registration  22nd Aug 2024


Learning the above information will enhance and improve the preparation quality, and time management. Based on this information one can plan a strategic routine to prepare for this upcoming recruitment. 


Registration fee for the Jharkhand, Teacher Eligibility Tests Recruitment 2024


The fee amount is non-negotiable and non-refundable. The registration fee is important to be areas in order to complete the registration process and the fee amount differs for everyone based on their category. This table will help you to get a better idea of it-


Category  Fee for part1 Fee for part2 Fee for both parts 
ST, SC, PWBD Rs 700 Rs 700 Rs 800
General, EWS, BC Rs 1300 Rs 1300 Rs 1500
Indigenous tribe  Rs 500 Rs 500 Rs 600


Online registration and application form submission for the Jharkhand Teacher Eligibility Test 2024


Now, that every important detail required to be aware of is said and cleared we have come to the final part of this article where we shall discuss the registration process and how to fill out the application form online before summiting it successfully.

One must know, that registration is a one-time process, and making mistakes will cost a chance, and one will be unable to proceed to fill out the application form to take part in the recruitment process. The contact details that must be submitted must be legitimate and functioning because that is where you will receive your OTP to get your registration verified to proceed forward.


Steps to complete the registration process online for the TET Jharkhand Recruitment 2024


  1. Go to the official website and locate the live ad for the registration of this recruitment on the homepage.
  2. Click on it, and start the registration by clicking on the ‘new registration’.
  3. Start filling out the credentials asked and submit them. OTP will be sent to the provided contact detail and one must submit that immediately to get registered.
  4. Once one is registered is successful, with the help of the registration number and a temporary password sent in the email log in to continue filling out the application form.
  5. Change the password to a stronger one.
  6. Fill out all the credentials asked on the form along with the documents in the size as instructed.
  7. Pay the fee and save the receipt for future records along with the application form after final submission.


With this, we are closing our article. Do not wait to register until the last date. Always refer to the official website to confirm any updates related to TET Recruitment 2024.

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