NCERT Recruitment 2024: Apply for Professor & Librarian Positions, Important Dates & Application Guide

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The NCERT Recruitment for the year 2024 has been released to the notice of the public and the candidates who are interested in applying for the professor vacancies available in various disciplines based on the requirements available by releasing an official recruitment advertisement through the official online platform of the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Candidates who are interested in applying for the professor vacancies available in the National Council of Educational Research and Training can apply for the vacancy recruitment through the link that has been designated with the purpose of applying for the vacancies available in the recruitment process. The National Council of Educational Research and Training is an organization under the government of India that is responsible for various actions such as assisting state and national governments to formulate the syllabus and exams for the schools and colleges available in India. There are many aspiring candidates who are interested in working as a professor as it is considered to be one of the most prestigious positions among various jobs and it is also one of the high paying jobs. Candidates who are interested in applying for the vacancies available in the roles of professor in the National Council of Educational Research and Training can go through this article to learn more information about the recruitment process and various features of the recruitment process such as the application process, selection process, vacancy details, eligibility criteria, and various other important details to assist candidates who are willing to apply for the recruitment process.


Overview of the Professor Vacancies in the NCERT Recruitment 

Candidates interested in applying for the recruitment process for the roles available in the professor posts are required to download the recruitment notification and go through the details available before starting the application process. The table that follows this passage consists of various details about the information available in the recruitment advertisement has been mentioned in a nutshell.

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Name of the position  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Assistant Librarian
Conducting Department  National Council of Educational Research and Training 
Number of vacancies  123 vacancies 
Type of Employment  Government Jobs 
Advertisement Number  174/2024
Mode of Application  Online 
Selection Process  Personal Interview 
Salary  Based on the posts 
Educational Qualifications  Based on the posts 
Level of the Examination  National Level 
Location  All Over India 
Official Website 


Important Dates of the Professor Vacancies in the NCERT Recruitment 

The National Council of Educational Research and Training has announced the vacancy recruitment through the recruitment advertisement that consists of various details. Among the various details of the recruitment advertisement the details of the important dates are considered to be one of the most important details available in the recruitment advertisement and the table that follows this passage provides all the details about the major events taking place on which date.

Events Dates 
NCERT Recruitment Release Date of Office Recruitment Notification  July 26, 2024
NCERT Recruitment Application Form Opening Date  July 27, 2024
NCERT Recruitment Application Form Closing Date  August 16, 2024
NCERT Recruitment Date of the Personal Interview  To Be Announced 
NCERT Recruitment Release Date of the Shortlisted Candidates List  To Be Announced 


Vacancy Details of the Professor Recruitment in the NCERT Recruitment 

Candidates who are interested in applying for the vacancies available in the recruitment process are announced with 123 vacancies as the total number of vacancies available in the various roles of the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Assistant Librarian posts available in the recruitment process. The vacancies are distributed among the various teaching vacancies based on the requirements available in the position.

Post Name  Vacancies 
Assistant Professor  31
Associate Professor  58
Professor  33
Assistant Librarian  1
Total Number of Vacancies  123
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Eligibility Criteria of the Professor Vacancies in the NCERT Recruitment 

Candidates who wish to apply for the teaching vacancies available in the Nation Council of Educational Research and Training are required to be in possession with certain qualifications based on the educational qualifications as per the posts they are applying in the recruitment process. 

Educational Qualifications

  • Associate Professor
      • Candidates who wish to appear for the role of Associate Professor in the recruitment process are required to possess a doctorate (PhD) degree in the field they are trying to apply in the recruitment process.
      • They are also required to have an experience in teaching at colleges and universities for a minimum time period of 8 years.
  • Assistant Professor
      • Candidates who are available with a master’s degree in the relevant field to their preference in the recruitment process along with a state or national level entrance examination should have been passed.
    • Professor 
      • Candidates should possess a doctorate degree along with an experience of a minimum time period of 10 years.
      • Candidates are required to have published lots of journals.
  • Assistant Librarian
    • Candidates are required to possess a master’s degree in the educational background related to the librarian vacancies along with clearing any state or national level eligibility entrance examination.


Application Process and Steps to Fill the Application Form of the Professor Vacancies in the NCERT Recruitment 

Candidates who are eligible and interested in applying for the vacancies available in the recruitment process conducted by the National Council Educational Research and Training can follow the steps below to approach the filling of the application process with ease.

  1. You are required to check whether you are eligible for the Ncert recruitment process by going through the eligibility criteria.
  2. If you are qualified to apply, you can open the official online portal of the authority.
  3. You are required to locate the application link and start the registration process by providing the mentioned details and receive the credentials to start the application process.
  4. Using the credentials you can log in and open the application form and fill the details as mentioned in the application form.
  5. Upload your documents after scanning.
  6. You are required to pay the application fee and proceed to complete the application form by clicking the submit button available in the bottom of the application form.
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Application Fee of the Professor Vacancies in the NCERT Recruitment 

Candidates who have completed the application process are required to pay the application process fee to complete the process through online transactions available as mentioned in the application form. 

Category  Application Fee 
General/OBC/EWS  Rs. 1,000/-
SC/ST/PWD/Women  No Application Fee 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What positions are available in the NCERT Recruitment 2024?

  • The available positions include Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Assistant Librarian.

2. How many vacancies are there in the NCERT Recruitment for 2024?

  • There are a total of 123 vacancies.

3. What is the mode of application for the NCERT Recruitment?

  • The mode of application is online.

4. What are the important dates for the NCERT Recruitment 2024?

  • Recruitment Notification Release: July 26, 2024
  • Application Form Opening Date: July 27, 2024
  • Application Form Closing Date: August 16, 2024
  • Date of Personal Interview: To Be Announced

5. What is the selection process for the NCERT Recruitment?

  • The selection process involves a personal interview.

6. What are the educational qualifications required for the positions?

  • Assistant Professor: Master’s degree and state/national level entrance exam.
  • Associate Professor: PhD with at least 8 years of teaching experience.
  • Professor: PhD with at least 10 years of teaching experience and published journals.
  • Assistant Librarian: Master’s degree in a relevant field and state/national level eligibility exam.

7. How can candidates apply for the NCERT Recruitment?

  • Candidates need to visit the official website, register, fill out the application form, upload required documents, and pay the application fee.

8. What is the application fee for the NCERT Recruitment?

  • General/OBC/EWS: Rs. 1,000
  • SC/ST/PWD/Women: No application fee

9. Where can candidates find the official recruitment notification?

  • The official recruitment notification is available on the NCERT’s official website:

10. When will the list of shortlisted candidates be released?

  • The release date for the shortlist of candidates will be announced later.

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