Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) 2024: Scheme Details, Eligibility, Application Process

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Why in the news? 

The newly appointed government has proposed the addition of 3 crore houses in both urban & rural areas under the PMAY Scheme. 


About PMAY

There are various schemes that the government of India has launched to benefit the underprivileged. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna is one such housing sector scheme wherein the government provides credit-linked subsidies to provide affordable housing to the low & moderate class.This is in line with government’s housing-for-all mission.


The scheme comprises 2 components, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban(PMAY-U) and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Rural(PMAY-R) for providing housing in urban & rural sectors respectively.

This scheme launched in June, 2015 is a demand based scheme where the state government identifies beneficiaries through a demand survey, based on certain criterias.


PMAY full form Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
PMAY verticals PMAY-Urban aka PMAY-Shahri

PMAY-Rural aka PMAY-Gramin

Official website PMAY urban:

PMAY rural:

Launch date June 25, 2015
Valid till PMAY-Urban: December 31, 2024

PMAY-Gramin: March 31, 2024

Address Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
PMAY components


In-Situ Slum Redevelopment

Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme

Affordable Housing in Partnership

Beneficiary-led Construction Scheme

Toll free number 1800-11-6163 – HUDCO

1800 11 3377, 1800 11 3388 – NHB


PMAY-Rural or PMAY-Gramin

Pradhanmantri awas Yojana gramin is a restructured version of Indira Awas Yojana that came into effect from 1 April 2016 for 4 years. However, it was extended till March 2024. The objective of the scheme is to provide a pakka house with basic amenities to families in the rural areas. The beneficiaries of this scheme are people identified under the socio economic and caste census of 2011. Financial assistance of ₹1.2 lakhs in plain areas and ₹1.3 lakhs and hilly, difficult & integrated action plan areas, is provided. The pakka houses are constructed with technical assistance from the government. This scheme combined with other schemes such as Swachh Bharat Mission promotes toilet construction and MGNREGA offers wage employment to the beneficiaries. 


PMAY-Urban or PMAY-Shahri

Pradhanmantri awas Yojana urban was launched on June 25 2015 with a deadline of March 31 2022. Scheme was late or extended till December 31 2024.

The objective of the scheme is to provide housing for all in the urban areas by replacing the kutcha houses in the villages with pakka homes. This team was extended till March 2024 in December 2021. The beneficiaries of this steam include economically weaker sections (EWS), low income groups(LIG), and middle income groups (MIG). The scheme offers interest subsidy on home loans to these marginalized classes, works on in-situ slum redevelopment, promotes partnership between the public and private sectors to provide affordable housing and offers financial assistance to individuals to construct and redevelop their houses. 




The beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana are divided into 3 categories based on the annual income of the household. 


Beneficiary Annual income of the household
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Up to Rs 3 lakh
Lower Income Group (LIG) Rs 3 lakh to Rs 6 lakh
Middle Income Group-1 (MIG-1) Rs 6 lakh to Rs 12 lakh
Middle Income Group-2 (MIG-2) Rs 12 lakh to Rs 18 lakh


PMAY – Verticals 

Pradhanmantri awas Yojana has four verticals. These are: 

  1. In-situ Slum Redevelopment – Offers rehabilitation of slums by building houses to private participation for eligible slum dwellers on the land under the slums. 
  2. Credit-Linked Subsidy Scheme(CLSS) – provides for Central subsidy on home loans between 600000 and 12 lakh at lower rates of interest for renovation and construction of new homes. 
  3. Affordable Housing Partnership(AHP) – state will build houses with Central systems of 1.5 lakh through Central agencies or private partnership for the EWS category. 
  4. PMAY Credit-Linked Subsidy Scheme(CLSS) – beneficiaries can get a certain amount from their overall Home loan at subsidize rates, depending on the buyer category the fall in. 


PMAY – Eligibility 

  • A family including a husband wife and unmarried children are considered for a household under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The beneficiary must not have a pakka house in the name of any of the family members in any part of India. 
  • People with a pakka house of less than 21 sq meters will also be included under the enhancement of the existing house. 
  • Adults who are earning will be considered for a separate household irrespective of marital status.
  • A married couple is eligible for a single house in the name of either of the spouse or a joint ownership provided they meet the income eligibility criteria. 
  • People will longing to the SC, ST and OBC categories and women belonging to EWS and LIG are also eligible for the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
  • Beneficiaries from EWS category or eligible for assistant under all four verticals however, LIG/MIG are eligible only under the CLSS vertical of the mission.


Application Process

How to apply for PMAY online 2024? 

  • Only a candidate who has another card can apply for the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. 
  • To apply online, candidates must visit the PMAY portal at
  • On the side home page, click on ‘Citizen Assessment’.
  • In the Dropbox, click on ‘Apply Online’
  • Choose a vertical as per your category and submit your application.


How to apply for PMAY offline 2024? 

  • Visit a nearby Common Service Centre
  • Purchase your relevant subsidy form at a minimal fee of ₹25+GST
  • Complete your form when submitted at the same center.


How to check the status of your application?

  • Login to PM awas Yojana portal at
  • Go to Track Application option to check status of your application


Documents Required 

  • Identity Proof – Aadhar card, pan card, voter Id, passport or Driver’s license.
  • Address proof – voter ID card, Aadhar, passport, a policy of life insurance.
  • Income proof
  • Property papers what identity proof is required for pradhan mantri awas Yojana


Did you know? 

You can also avail tax benefits under income tax Act of 1961 through the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. 


Income Tax Section  Tax Benefits 
Section 80C 1.5 lakh rupees deduction and Ellie from home loan principal
Section 24(b) Up to ₹2 lakh deduction from home loan interest payment
Section 80EE Annual tax break of up to rupees 50000 for first time home buyers
Section 80EEA Annual deduction of 1.5 lakh from home loan interest payment for first time buyers 



  1. How to apply for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana offline? 

A candidate has to visit a common service center nearby to fill an application form for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in the offline mode.


  1. What are the documents required to apply? 

A candidate who wants to apply for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana must have an identity proof, address proof, income proof and property papers handy while applying under scheme.


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