TNPSC Combined Technical Services Notification 2024 Out for 654 AE: Eligibility, Application Process

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The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has initiated its online registration process and candidates who meet the eligibility criteria can now submit their application form online for Combined Technical Service on the official website. This article will cover everything important related to this exam, make sure to read till the end.

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Official Notice of the TNPSC Combined Technical Service 2024

The official short notice is on the official website of the Tamil Nadu Public Commission about the upcoming recruitment of various posts in the technical service department. The recruitment will be conducted through a written exam without having to go through a personal interview. Candidates’ application forms will be crafted where all the required skill sets and qualifications and other details that usually get examined in the personal interview will be asked there and all the candidates need to fill out everything accurately. Based on the provided information on the application forms candidates will receive their call letter on the official website before the exam date and admit cards are released.

Note: Interested candidates can now download the official notice of this recruitment from the official website for future reference. 


Overview of the TN Public Service Commission Combined Technical Service 2024

                                    Overview of the TNPSC CTS 2024 Recruitment 
Name of the posts Tamil nadu Public Service Commission 
Name of the recruitmnet organization  Combined Technical Services, various posts
Category  Govt 
Registartion status  Ongoing online 
Last date of registration  21st Aug 2024
Vacancy  654
Job domain  Tamil Nadu
Official website 
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The purpose of the above table is to provide an overview idea of the recruitment of various posts in technical service which is conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.

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Eligibility criteria of the TNPSC Combined Technical Service 2024

Before we head into discussing the registration process, let us first look into the eligibility criteria of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Combined Technical Service recruitment. 

Every participant is expected to meet some requirements before filling out the registration and application forms by the recruiting Organization.

Age limit-

The minimum age limit is 21 years and the upper age limit depends on the categories of the candidates.


All the participants must be Indian Citizens with adequate proof and speak Tamil fluently.

Educational background-

Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject based on the post they are applying for to be eligible candidates. Check further about this on the official website.


Registration Process and Online Application Form Submission

Once all the above criteria are met, candidates can take a step forward and initiate the registration online. This is a one-time registration process and candidates must be careful not to waste the chance to participate in the selection procedure.

  1. Visit the official website, which we have included in the overview table. On the homepage, locate the fresh notice of ongoing registration for this term recruitment.
  2. Click on it to open the new tab to initiate the registration process.
  3. Find ‘new registration’ and start filling out the credentials asked on the new tab. Make sure to provide only accurate and valid credentials. 
  4. Once the registration is verified, the candidate will be automatically registered.
  5. With the help of the registration number acquired and newly created password candidates can start filling out the application form.
  6. Make sure to be thoroughly aware of the given terms and conditions which are instructions and guidelines.
  7. Fill out all the credentials asked on the form including the documents asked to be uploaded in a specific format as instructed.
  8. After the final submission of the filled-out form, candidates must make a fee payment for the registration process which is mandatory and non-refundable. 
  9. The fee charges will depend on the candidate’s reservations and categories. 
  10. If the fee payment is unsuccessful make sure to re-attempt until it is successful because without fulfilling this step the admit card will get automatically rejected after the last date of registration and fee payment.
  11. The amount deducted during the attempted failed payment will be reverted to the main account within a few working days.
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Note: It is the individual’s responsibility to save the application form and fee receipt for future use.


Selection Procedure of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Combined Technical Service 2024

There will be only one round of tests which will be held online. Candidates will receive the admit card for this exam a few days before the exam date on the official website. 


Exam Date, Admit card, Correction window for the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Combined Technical Service 2024

The correction window will be opened from 28th August to 30th August 2024, candidates who have made an error while filling out the application form can take advantage of this chance.

The exam dates are yet to be out and admit cards will be released following this announcement, a week earlier than the exam date.

It is one’s responsibility to frequently check the official website for important updates related to this exam and recruitment. The admit card will have to be downloaded by the candidates using the required credentials like the date of birth provided in the form and the registration number. 

It is important to get a printout of the downloaded admit card because no one will be allowed to sit in the exam hall without a physical copy of the admit card. 


Take the authentic updates only from the official websites.


Vacancies and posts for the TNPSC Combined Technical Service 2024

The total number of vacancies for this recruitment as we have mentioned earlier is 658 and unevenly shared by various posts we will list down below-

  1. Assistant Engineer
  2. Agricultural Officer
  3. Architectural assistant or Planning Assistant
  4. Assistant director
  5. Assistant Geologist 
  6. Chemist
  7. Drug Inspector
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We advise everyone interested in these positions to look further into the nature of the recruitment from the official website and we hope we have covered all the general ideas of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Combined Technical Service 2024.

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