UPSC CMS 2024 Result Released at Check Your Combined Medical Examination Scores

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The Combined Medical Examination was conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on 14th July 2024 to recruit vacancies available in the departments of Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Central Health Service, and Indian Railways for the various roles available in the posts of medical officer, assistant medical officer, general duty medical officers, and grade 2 general duty medical officers. The Union Public Service Commission has announced the results that have been announced for the online written examination for the vacancy recruitment available in the roles of various vacancies through the Combined Medical Examination and these candidates who have been selected from the first round of the selection process have been shortlisted and the merit list has been announced for the candidates to proceed for the next round person Interview of the selection process. Candidates who have applied for the vacancy recruitment available for various roles in the recruitment process by conducting the Combined Medical Examination can check various details about the recruitment process and the details of the online written examination results are provided in this article to assist candidates in acquiring further information about the recruitment process and the results that have been announced for the online written examination that is considered to be the first step of the selection process. 


Overview of the UPSC CMS 2024 Result

Candidates who are interested and eligible in appearing for the Union Public Service Commission recruitment process to recruit vacancies available in various posts by conducting the Combined Medical Examination have completed the first phase of the selection process which is considered to be the online written examination. The results for the first phase of the selection process that have been conducted in the month of July has been released and candidates who have been shortlisted in this process will be able to proceed to the next level of the selection process. Candidates who wish to acquire more knowledge about the recruitment process are required to go through the complete article and an overview about the recruitment process and the results that have been released have been mentioned in the table that follows this passage to assist candidates by providing various information of the recruitment process in a nutshell. Candidates who are preparing for the examination that will be conducted in the future can also use this article to prepare accordingly.

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Name of the examination  Combined Medical Examination 
Name of the position  Medical officer, Assistant Divisional Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, and Grade II General Duty Medical Officer.
Conducting Department  Union Public Service Commission 
Type of the Announcement  Release of Results 
Mode of Application  Online 
Mode of Examination  Online 
Department  Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Central Health Service, and Indian Railways
Vacancies  826 vacancies 
Date of Examination  July 14, 2024
Result Date  July 30, 2024
Location  All Over India 
Official Website 


Important Dates of the UPSC CMS 2024 Result

The Written Examination for various vacancies available in the recruitment process has been announced with the results. The total number of vacancies announced for the various vacancies in the Union Public Service Commission is 846 vacancies but candidates from various parts of the country have appeared in the Combined Medical Examination and out of that candidates who have scored more marks than the cut-off marks will be selected for the next round of the selection process. The important dates of the selection process are mentioned in this article. The table that follows this passage consists of the important dates in which the important events took place and this article will be updated with the date of the next phase of the selection process. 

Events Dates 
UPSC CMS Recruitment Date of the Examination  July 14, 2024
UPSC CMS Announcement Date of the Examination Results  July 30, 2024
UPSC CMS Recruitment Release Date of Personal Interview  To Be Announced 


Cut-off Marks of the UPSC CMS 2024 Results 

The Union Public Service Commission has announced the results of the applicants who have attended the Combined Medical Examination to apply for various vacancies available in the recruitment process. These results are based on the cutoff marks that have been allocated based on calculations made by the Union Public Service Commission. The aggregate marks of the applicant by considering both the paper 1 and paper 2 written during the written examination. The cut-off marks will be available at the end of the notification that has been released by the authority to announce the results of the shortlisted applicants. The cut-off marks vary based on the category of the applicant and it is expected that the cut-off marks for the general category applicant will range between the marks of 220 to 235. The cut-off marks for the rest of the categories are provided to acknowledge the applicants through the result notification.

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Results Announced and the Steps to Check the UPSC CMS 2024 Results

The Results have been announced for the Combined Medical Examination based on the performance by the applicants who were interested in applying for the Union Public Service Commission recruitment process for various posts related to the medical field. The performance of the applicants in the two papers considered to be written on the Combined Medical Examination are evaluated by the authority and the results are announced based on their performance. Candidates who want to check the results online should follow the steps mentioned below the passage to check their results. 

  1. Candidates who wish to check the results of the Combined Medical Examination should open the official online portal of the Union Public Service Commission.
  2. The web page of the authority will be opened on the screen and the applicants are responsible to locate the option of results of the Combined Medical Examination and press the button to proceed.
  3. By clicking the results option, applicants will be redirected to another web page that should be opened with the credentials of the applicant.
  4. After opening the result tab, applicants can check their roll number. If they are selected in this phase of the recruitment process they can start preparing for the personal interview.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) What is the full form of CMS?

Answer: Combined Medical Examination.

2) When did the results of the Combined Medical Examination be published? 

Answer: July 30, 2024.

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